超像素分割,SLIC,Simple Linear Iterative Clustering,是一种迭代聚类算法. 出自 PAMI2012 论文 SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-art Superpixel Methods.

1. SLIC 算法流程

SLIC 算法流程如:


[1] - 初始化图像分割块:

每个分割的图像块都是一个聚类,聚类中心称之为 superpixel,类似于 Kmeans 算法,需要手工指定聚类个数.

SLIC 算法首先将原始图像分割大小一致的图像 patch,假设图像的像素个数为 $N$,待分割的图像 patch 个数为 $k$,每个图像 patch 大小为 $ S \times S$,其中 $S = \sqrt{N/k}$.

[2] - 初始化图像块的聚类中心

对于分割后的图像块,随机采样一个像素点作为聚类中心 $C_k$.

此处,为了避免初始的采样点出现在噪声或边缘部分,采取的方式是,在采样点附近 3x3 的区域,计算临近像素点的梯度,并将临近点中梯度最小的点作为聚类中心.

[3] - 计算各像素点与聚类中心的距离

对于图像块以及对应的聚类中心,如果根据一般聚类算法,如 Kmeans 等,往往是计算每个像素点和聚类中心的距离. 显然,每个聚类中心都要和所有的图像像素点计算距离,是比较费时的.

而,SLIC 算法采用的策略是,只计算每个聚类中心周围 $2S \times 2S$ 范围内的像素点与该聚类中心的距离,可以节省很多计算量.

SLIC 同时考虑了空间距离和颜色距离,

$$ d_c = \sqrt{(l_j - l_i)^2 + (a_j - a_i)^2 + (b_j- b_i)^2} $$

$$ d_s = \sqrt{(x_j - x_i)^2 + (y_j - y_i)^2} $$

$$ D = \sqrt{(d_c)^2 + (\frac{d_s}{S})^2 m^2} $$

其中,论文中提到,CIELAB 空间中 $m$ 取值范围大概为 [1, 40].

[4] - 重新聚类

根据计算后的聚类,更新每个像素点所属于的图像块; 然后,将同一个图像块的像素点求平均,得到新的图像块聚类中心.


2. SLIC 示例

基于 scikit-image 中 skimage.segmentation.slic 的实现如下:

from skimage.segmentation import slic
from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries
from skimage.util import img_as_float
from skimage import io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

image = img_as_float(io.imread("image.jpg"))

for numSegments in (100, 200, 300):
    segments = slic(image, n_segments = numSegments, sigma = 5)

    # show the output of SLIC
    fig = plt.figure("Superpixels -- %d segments" % (numSegments))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    ax.imshow(mark_boundaries(image, segments))

# show the plots


3. skimage.segmentation.slic 函数

skimage.segmentation.slic 函数定义如:

  n_segments=100, #分割输出的标签数 
  compactness=10.0, #平衡颜色优先性和空间优先性. 值越大,空间优先性权重越大
  max_iter=10, #Kmeans 最大迭代数
  sigma=0, #图像每一维预处理的高斯核宽度
  spacing=None, #


[1] - 如果 sigma > 0,则在分割前,先采用高斯核平滑图像.

[2] - 如果 sigma 是标量,且提供了 spacing 参数,则,高斯核宽度会根据 spacing 对每一维进行划分. 例如,如果 sigma=1,spacing=[5, 1, 1],则有效的 sigma 是 [0.2, 1, 1]. (有助于确保 anisotropic 图像的合理平滑.)

[3] - 处理前,图像像素值被缩放到 [0, 1].

[4] - 默认是 (M, N, 3) 的2D RGB 图像.

4. skimage.segmentation.slic 源码


import warnings
from collections.abc import Iterable
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage as ndi
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans2
from numpy import random

from ._slic import (_slic_cython, _enforce_label_connectivity_cython)
from ..util import img_as_float, regular_grid
from ..color import rgb2lab

def _get_mask_centroids(mask, n_centroids, multichannel):
    Find regularly spaced centroids on a mask.
    # Get tight ROI around the mask to optimize
    coord = np.array(np.nonzero(mask), dtype=float).T
    # Fix random seed to ensure repeatability
    rnd = random.RandomState(123)

    # select n_centroids randomly distributed points from within the mask
    idx_full = np.arange(len(coord), dtype=int)
    idx = np.sort(
      rnd.choice(idx_full, min(n_centroids, len(coord)),

    # To save time, when n_centroids << len(coords), use only a subset of the
    # coordinates when calling k-means. Rather than the full set of coords,
    # we will use a substantially larger subset than n_centroids. Here we
    # somewhat arbitrarily choose dense_factor=10 to make the samples
    # 10 times closer together along each axis than the n_centroids samples.
    dense_factor = 10
    ndim_spatial = mask.ndim - 1 if multichannel else mask.ndim
    n_dense = int((dense_factor ** ndim_spatial) * n_centroids)
    if len(coord) > n_dense:
        # subset of points to use for the k-means calculation
        # (much denser than idx, but less than the full set)
        idx_dense = np.sort(
          rnd.choice(idx_full, n_dense, replace=False))
        idx_dense = Ellipsis
    centroids, _ = kmeans2(coord[idx_dense], coord[idx], iter=5)

    # Compute the minimum distance of each centroid to the others
    dist = squareform(pdist(centroids))
    np.fill_diagonal(dist, np.inf)
    closest_pts = dist.argmin(-1)
    steps = abs(centroids - centroids[closest_pts, :]).mean(0)

    return centroids, steps

def _get_grid_centroids(image, n_centroids):
    Find regularly spaced centroids on the image.
    d, h, w = image.shape[:3]

    grid_z, grid_y, grid_x = np.mgrid[:d, :h, :w]
    slices = regular_grid(image.shape[:3], n_centroids)

    centroids_z = grid_z[slices].ravel()[..., np.newaxis]
    centroids_y = grid_y[slices].ravel()[..., np.newaxis]
    centroids_x = grid_x[slices].ravel()[..., np.newaxis]

    centroids = np.concatenate([centroids_z, centroids_y, centroids_x],

    steps = np.asarray([float(s.step) if s.step is not None else 1.0
                        for s in slices])
    return centroids, steps

def slic(image, n_segments=100, compactness=10., max_iter=10, sigma=0,
         spacing=None, multichannel=True, convert2lab=None,
         enforce_connectivity=True, min_size_factor=0.5, max_size_factor=3,
         slic_zero=False, start_label=None, mask=None):
    Segments image using k-means clustering in Color-(x,y,z) space.
    image = img_as_float(image)
    use_mask = mask is not None
    dtype = image.dtype

    is_2d = False

    if image.ndim == 2:
        # 2D grayscale image
        image = image[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis]
        is_2d = True
    elif image.ndim == 3 and multichannel:
        # Make 2D multichannel image 3D with depth = 1
        image = image[np.newaxis, ...]
        is_2d = True
    elif image.ndim == 3 and not multichannel:
        # Add channel as single last dimension
        image = image[..., np.newaxis]

    if multichannel and (convert2lab or convert2lab is None):
        if image.shape[-1] != 3 and convert2lab:
            raise ValueError("Lab colorspace conversion requires a RGB image.")
        elif image.shape[-1] == 3:
            image = rgb2lab(image)

    if start_label is None:
        if use_mask:
            start_label = 1
            warnings.warn("skimage.measure.label's indexing starts from 0. " +
                          "In future version it will start from 1. " +
                          "To disable this warning, explicitely " +
                          "set the `start_label` parameter to 1.",
                          FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
            start_label = 0

    if start_label not in [0, 1]:
        raise ValueError("start_label should be 0 or 1.")

    # initialize cluster centroids for desired number of segments
    update_centroids = False
    if use_mask:
        mask = np.ascontiguousarray(mask, dtype=bool).view('uint8')
        if mask.ndim == 2:
            mask = np.ascontiguousarray(mask[np.newaxis, ...])
        if mask.shape != image.shape[:3]:
            raise ValueError("image and mask should have the same shape.")
        centroids, steps = _get_mask_centroids(mask, n_segments, multichannel)
        update_centroids = True
        centroids, steps = _get_grid_centroids(image, n_segments)

    if spacing is None:
        spacing = np.ones(3, dtype=dtype)
    elif isinstance(spacing, (list, tuple)):
        spacing = np.ascontiguousarray(spacing, dtype=dtype)

    if not isinstance(sigma, Iterable):
        sigma = np.array([sigma, sigma, sigma], dtype=dtype)
        sigma /= spacing.astype(dtype)
    elif isinstance(sigma, (list, tuple)):
        sigma = np.array(sigma, dtype=dtype)
    if (sigma > 0).any():
        # add zero smoothing for multichannel dimension
        sigma = list(sigma) + [0]
        image = ndi.gaussian_filter(image, sigma)

    n_centroids = centroids.shape[0]
    segments = np.ascontiguousarray(np.concatenate(
        [centroids, np.zeros((n_centroids, image.shape[3]))],
        axis=-1), dtype=dtype)

    # Scaling of ratio in the same way as in the SLIC paper so the
    # values have the same meaning
    step = max(steps)
    ratio = 1.0 / compactness
    image = np.ascontiguousarray(image * ratio, dtype=dtype)

    if update_centroids:
        # Step 2 of the algorithm [3]_
        _slic_cython(image, mask, segments, step, max_iter, spacing,
                     slic_zero, ignore_color=True,

    labels = _slic_cython(image, mask, segments, step, max_iter,
                          spacing, slic_zero, ignore_color=False,

    if enforce_connectivity:
        if use_mask:
            segment_size = mask.sum() / n_centroids
            segment_size = np.prod(image.shape[:3]) / n_centroids
        min_size = int(min_size_factor * segment_size)
        max_size = int(max_size_factor * segment_size)
        labels = _enforce_label_connectivity_cython(
            labels, min_size, max_size, start_label=start_label)

    if is_2d:
        labels = labels[0]

    return labels

5. 参考

[1] - 机器学习:simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) 算法 - 2017.12.04

[2] - 计算 SLIC 超像素分割的邻接矩阵 - 2020.04.02


[4] - SLIC与目前最优超像素算法的比较 - 2017.08.14

Last modification:March 8th, 2021 at 09:26 am