参考:Concurrent REST requests with threads

import requests

url_t = "http://localhost:8000/records/%i"

def process_id(id):
  """process a single ID"""
  # fetch the data
  r = requests.get(url_t % id)
  # parse the JSON reply
  data = r.json()
  # and update some data with PUT
  requests.put(url_t % id, data=data)
  return data

def process_range(id_range, store=None):
  """process a number of ids, storing the results in a dict"""
  if store is None:
    store = {}
  for id in id_range:
    store[id] = process_id(id)
  return store

from threading import Thread

def threaded_process_range(nthreads, id_range):
    process the id range in a specified number of threads
    store = {}
    threads = []
    # create the threads
  for i in range(nthreads):
    ids = id_range[i::nthreads]
    t = Thread(target=process_range, args=(ids,store))
  # start the threads
  [t.start() for t in threads]
  # wait for the threads to finish
  [t.join() for t in threads]
  return store
Last modification:July 16th, 2021 at 05:45 pm