Visual Genome 数据集 Visual Genome 数据集格式

Visual Genome Readme

<h2>1. Images</h2>

  • File image part1, image part2 全部 jpg 格式的图片
    </li> </ul> <h2>2. Image meta data</h2>
    • File 全部图片的 meta data,格式: 如:
                "image_id": 2412112,
                "url": "",
                "width": 500,
                "height": 281,
                "coco_id": 547168,
                "flickr_id": 8505158818
      </li> </ul> <h2>3. Region Descriptions</h2>
      • File 全部的 region descriptions. 如:

        [... { "image_id": 2407890, "regions": [... { "region_id": 1353, "x": 117, "y": 79, "width": 249, "height": 107, "phrase": "a cat sitting on a table.", "synsets": [... { "synset_name": "cat.n.01", "entity_name": "cat", "entity_idx_start": 2, "entity_idx_end": 5 }, ...] }, { "region_id": 1354, "x": 116, "y": 29, "width": 239, "height": 135, "phrase": "a white cat with a tan tail and face markings", "synsets": [... ...] }, ...] }, { "image_id": 2407890, "regions": [... ...] }, ...]
        </li> </ul> <h2>4. Question Answers (QAs)</h2>
        • File 全部的问题与答案(QAs).
                  "image_id": 2317993,
                  "qas": [...
                          "qa_id": 912402,
                          "question": "Where are the clouds?",
                          "answer": "sky",
                          "question_synsets": [...
                                  "synset_name": "cloud.n.01",
                                  "entity_name": "cloud",
                                  "entity_idx_start": 14,
                                  "entity_idx_end": 20
                          "answer_synsets": [...
                                  "synset_name": "sky.n.01",
                                  "entity_name": "sky",
                                  "entity_idx_start": 0,
                                  "entity_idx_end": 3


          <h2>5. Objects</h2>

          • <p>File 全部的 object 实例.
                    "image_id": 2,
                    "objects": [...
                            "object_id": 1023847,
                            "x": 405,
                            "y": 34,
                            "w": 78,
                            "h": 438,
                            "name": "pole",
                            "synsets": ["pole.n.01"]
                            "object_id": 1023836,
                            "x": 239,
                            "y": 347,
                            "w": 136,
                            "h": 126,
                            "name": "car",
                            "synsets": ["car.n.01"]


            <h2>6. Attributes</h2>

            • <p>File 数据集中全部的 attributes. 如:
                      "image_id": 2,
                      "attributes": [...
                              "object_id": 1023847,
                              "x": 405,
                              "y": 34,
                              "w": 78,
                              "h": 438,
                              "name": "pole",
                              "synsets": ["pole.n.01"],
                              "attributes": ["brown"]
                              "object_id": 1023836,
                              "x": 239,
                              "y": 347,
                              "w": 136,
                              "h": 126,
                              "name": "car",
                              "synsets": ["car.n.01"],
                              "attributes": ["red", "broken"]


              <h2>7. Relationships</h2>

              • <p>File 全部的 relationships. 如:
                        "image_id": 2,
                        "relationships": [...
                                "relationship_id": 15947,
                                "predicate": "wears",
                                "synsets": ["wear.v.01"],
                                "subject": {
                                    "object_id": 1023838,
                                    "x": 324,
                                    "y": 320,
                                    "w": 142,
                                    "h": 255,
                                    "name": "man",
                                    "synsets": ["man.n.01"]
                                "object": {
                                    "object_id":  5071,
                                    "x": 359,
                                    "y": 362,
                                    "w": 72,
                                    "h": 81,
                                    "name": "backpack",
                                    "synsets": ["backpack.n.01"]
                </li> </ul> <h2>8. Synset Name & Descriptions</h2>
                • File 全部的同义词及其描述. 如:
                          "synset_name": "phonograph_record.n.01",
                          "synset_definition": "sound recording consisting of a disk with a continuous groove; used to reproduce music by rotating while a phonograph needle tracks in the groove",
                          "synset_name": "truck.n.01",
                          "synset_definition": "an automotive vehicle suitable for hauling",


                  <h2>9. Region Graphs</h2>

                  • <p>File 全部的 region graphs. 如:
                            "image_id": 2407890,
                            "regions": [...
                                    "region_id": 1353,
                                    "x": 117,
                                    "y": 79,
                                    "width": 249,
                                    "height": 107,
                                    "phrase": "a cat sitting on a table.",
                                    "synsets": [...
                                            "synset_name": "cat.n.01",
                                            "entity_name": "cat",
                                            "entity_idx_start": 2,
                                            "entity_idx_end": 5
                                    "objects": [...
                                            "object_id": 1023838,
                                            "x": 324,
                                            "y": 320,
                                            "w": 142,
                                            "h": 255,
                                            "name": "cat",
                                            "synsets": ["cat.n.01"]
                                            "object_id":  5071,
                                            "x": 359,
                                            "y": 362,
                                            "w": 72,
                                            "h": 81,
                                            "name": "table",
                                            "synsets": ["table.n.01"]
                                    "relationships": [...
                                        "relationship_id": 15947,
                                        "predicate": "wears",
                                        "synsets": ["wear.v.01"],
                                        "subject_id": 1023838,
                                        "object_id":  5071,


                    <h2>10. Scene Graphs</h2>

                    • <p>File 全部的 scene graphs. 如:
                              "image_id": 2407890,
                              "objects": [...
                                      "object_id": 1023838,
                                      "x": 324,
                                      "y": 320,
                                      "w": 142,
                                      "h": 255,
                                      "name": "cat",
                                      "synsets": ["cat.n.01"]
                                      "object_id":  5071,
                                      "x": 359,
                                      "y": 362,
                                      "w": 72,
                                      "h": 81,
                                      "name": "table",
                                      "synsets": ["table.n.01"]
                              "relationships": [...
                                  "relationship_id": 15947,
                                  "predicate": "wears",
                                  "synsets": ["wear.v.01"],
                                  "subject_id": 1023838,
                                  "object_id":  5071,


                      <h2>11. Mapping from region based QA to region descriptions</h2>

                      • <p>File 将 QA 映射到对应的 region descriptions. 如:
                            QA_ID: REGION_DESCRIPTION_ID,
                            "1885736": "2072251"


Last modification:October 9th, 2018 at 09:31 am